British Executions

Thomas Birch

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: house breaking

Date Of Execution: 25 Jul 1777

Crime Location:

Execution Place:

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Thomas Birch guilty of breaking into the dwelling house of Mary Grove, widow, in the parish of Hartlebury on 4th May 1777: stealing therefrom a silver tablespoon (valued at 2/-), a pair of silver tea tongs (valued at 10/-), a watch with silver cases (valued at £3), an ivory box studded with silver (valued at 2/-), a pair of stays (valued at 10/-), a silk cloak (valued at 10/-) 18 pewter plates (valued at 10/-), 2 linen shirts (valued at 5/-), 2 linen caps (valued at 1/-), a silk and muslin handkerchief (valued at 2/-), 113 gold guineas, 3 gold half guineas, a silver crown piece, 15 silver half crown pieces, a silver sixpenny piece, 2 silver pennies and 2 silver twopenny pieces.